Thursday, September 25, 2008

Greatest Movie Villains: Humongous from "The Road Warrior"

The audacity to wear nothing but a loincloth and hockey mask speaks volumes about Humongous' self-confidence and poise. A true Renaissance Man, Humongous' varied interests included raping/murdering and murdering/raping. His name literally meant "extraordinarily large" and he was a man of great passions. Sure, he might have strapped innocent victims in front of cars and motorcycles to act as human shields, but he was an articulate, cultured individual. As leader of a vicious mob of mohawked degenerates, Humongous showcased his ability to lead and his managerial skills.

"The Road Warrior" is also notable for featuring some of Mel Gibson's finest acting as he shows great screen presence, charisma, and restraint of his rabid anti-Semitism.

Although not a racist, Humongous is nonetheless one of the Greatest Movie Villains.

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